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Facial Asymmetry

Using facial landmark detection described in Section 5.1.1, an additional measurement that is made is that of facial asymmetry. Frame-wise and overall asymmetry in landmarks on the left vs. right side of the face is quantified and saved in the following raw and derived variables.

Raw Variables

fac_asymmaskmouthMouth asymmetry. Frame-wise asymmetry in the mouth area.
fac_asymmaskeyeEye asymmetry. Frame-wise asymmetry in the eye area.
fac_asymmaskeyebrowEyebrow asymmetry. Frame-wise asymmetry in the Eyebrow area.
fac_asymmaskcomOverall asymmetry. Frame-wise asymmetry across the face.

Derived Variables

fac_asymmaskmouth_meanMouth asymmetry mean across the video.
fac_asymmaskmouth_stdMouth asymmetry standard deviation across the video.
fac_asymmaskeye_meanEye asymmetry mean across the video.
fac_asymmaskeye_stdEye asymmetry standard deviation across the video.
fac_asymmaskeyebrow_meanEyebrow asymmetry mean across the video.
fac_asymmaskeyebrow_stdEyebrow asymmetry standard deviation across the video.
fac_asymmaskcom_meanOverall asymmetry mean across the video.
fac_asymmaskcom_stdOverall asymmetry standard deviation across the video.