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Eye Gaze Directionality

Eye gaze directionality is another output we get from OpenFace. The variables below allow for measurements of eye gaze behavior.

Raw Variables

mov_lefteyexx coordinate of the left eye at the current video frame.
mov_lefteyeyy coordinate of the left eye at the current video frame.
mov_lefteyezz coordinate of the left eye at the current video frame.
mov_righteyexx coordinate of the right eye at the current video frame.
mov_righteyeyy coordinate of the right eye at the current video frame.
mov_righteyezz coordinate of the right eye at the current video frame.
mov_leyedispEuclidean displacement in the left eye gaze at the current video frame; this tells the overall movement in eye gaze direction in each frame.
mov_reyedispEuclidean displacement in the right eye gaze at the current video frame; this tells the overall movement in eye gaze direction in each frame.

Derived Variables

mov_lefteyex_meanMean x coordinate of the left eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_lefteyex.
mov_lefteyex_stdStandard deviation of x coordinate of the left eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_lefteyex.
mov_lefteyey_meanMean y coordinate of the left eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_lefteyey.
mov_lefteyey_stdStandard deviation of y coordinate of the left eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_lefteyey.
mov_lefteyez_meanMean z coordinate of the left eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_lefteyez.
mov_lefteyez_stdStandard deviation of z coordinate of the left eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_lefteyez.
mov_righteyex_meanMean x coordinate of the right eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_righteyex.
mov_righteyex_stdStandard deviation of x coordinate of the right eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_righteyex.
mov_righteyey_meanMean y coordinate of the right eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_righteyey.
mov_righteyey_stdStandard deviation of y coordinate of the right eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_righteyey.
mov_righteyez_meanMean z coordinate of the right eye i.e. the average of the vector mov_righteyez.
mov_righteyez_stdStandard deviation of z coordinate of the right eye i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_righteyez.
mov_leyedisp_meanMean euclidean displacement in the left eye gaze over the course of the video.
mov_leyedisp_stdStandard deviation of euclidean displacement in the left eye gaze over the course of the video.
mov_reyedisp_meanMean euclidean displacement in the right eye gaze over the course of the video.
mov_reyedisp_stdStandard deviation of euclidean displacement in the right eye gaze over the course of the video.