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Eye Blink Behavior

Eye blinks are measured by first calculating a variable called eye aspect ratio (EAR), which we get from here, and is basically just a quantification of how open the eye is. Over the course of a video, the EAR ends up being a vector whose troughs most likely signify individual eye blinks. The troughs are identified using a find peaks function and for each trough, the EAR value is outputted along with the other raw variables described below.

Raw Variables

mov_blink_earEye aspect ratio i.e. a vector derived from this model at points in the video where an eye blink was detected.
mov_blinkframeEye blink times are indices of the video frames where an eye blink was detected.
mov_blinkdurDurations between blinks is the time spanned between the current blink and the previous blink in seconds.

Derived Variables

mov_blink_ear_meanEye aspect ratio mean i.e. the mean of the vector mov_blink_ear.
mov_blink_ear_stdEye aspect ratio standard deviation i.e. the standard deviation of the vector mov_blink_ear.
mov_blink_countNumber of blinks measured over the course of the video.
mov_blinkdur_meanMean duration between eye blinks measured in seconds.
mov_blinkdur_stdStandard deviation of duration between eye blinks measured in seconds.